big life update!

9/18/2024, 7:2pam | this blog entry discusses past suicidal ideation, within the context of healing from it.

So... guess who got accepted into community college? There's still a lot of work to do, especially involving financial aid, which means the real hard stuff starts in December when the FAFSA opens.

But it's happening! It's really happening. My life keeps on going, and the wheels keep on spinning. I've even begun applying for jobs, to raise money to move out with.

If you'd told me four years ago where I'd be now, how happy I'd be, how bright my future looked, I would've laughed in your face.

I had been convinced I wouldn't make it this far, not at all. I wouldn't make it to Senior year, let alone college.

But I made it. I made it. I made it. I'm finally hitting my stride. I'm coming out of a dark cloud I thought would be my life forever.

I'm going to be studying computer science. I'm going to get my drivers licence. I'm going to get a job. I'm going to be someone I can be proud of.

This time last year, I was contemplating suicide. Even just this April, I thought I would always be haunted by my past in a way I could never outrun. Now I can't wait to make it to my future.

I'm alive. I still can't believe it. I'm going to make it. I have friends I care about, and a goal in mind.

I'm going to make it.