html, creativity, and yet another mundane life update.

8/23/2024, 2:22pm

I've finally hit my first roadblock on my website-making journey: having an idea and not having the skill to execute it in a way that's satisfactory. I've been working on my first shrine for the past two days, and it's a big project! I'm hoping that I'll be done with it within the next week, but I might need to take a break from it soon.

I'm trying to pace myself going forward, since the pace at which I've been working isn't sustainable at all and is almost certainly a product of intense hyperfixation. I have school coming up soon, and I'm going to a convention in November, so there's a lot more in my life I'll be dealing with soon! I think for now I'll work on getting the newsletter properly set up, so that I don't feel as bad about not updating as much, since there'll be a changelog of sorts for people to look at.

In other (still related) news, I'm going to be a senior in high school this year! I'm doing online schooling, but that just makes it feel even less real. I'm going to have to exist out in the real world soon... isn't that crazy? I'm even getting my written driver's permit test done next week. Everything's moving so fast!

I'll try to get the newsletter implemented and link it to the homepage within the next day or so. I'm definitely still excited to be working on this project, which is part of why I'm pacing myself, y'know? It'd be sad if I managed to burn myself out within only a few days.